Monday, October 1, 2018

An Intelligent Universe

If you brought all the 6 billion people on earth together in one place and then removed all the space between them, and their atoms, what volume would they then occupy? Answer: An area slightly smaller than a sugar cube.
The vast majority of the universe is ‘empty’ space. ‘Empty’ space can be bent, contracted, expanded. Learning how to manipulate just two states of local empty space would enable it to be used as a computer: bent, unbent = 0,1.

Powering this computer could employ quantum field fluctuations - annihilating quarks as they spontaneously condense from ‘empty’ space would provide all the energy required.

It would then be possible to imprint ourselves onto this computer, existing entirely as a conscious being in ‘empty’ space.

In a universe this old, this has already occurred.

Our universe is someone else's gigantic supercomputer with intelligence woven into its fabric.