Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life is Tough and Then You Die

" All I can say is, if there is a God, he's a hell of an underachiever"
...Woddie Allen

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are Pro-lifers, Pro-Life?

Why is that many if not all the radicalized pro-lifers and many of the mainstream pro-lifers seem so anti-life? They are passionate as pertains the fetus but are rarely pacifist. 100,000 to 200,000 Iraqi lives seems hardly worth thinking about.The four million civilians we killed in Vietnam - huh? The millions who have died as a result of ethnic cleansing while they so causally hardly noticed. 
Is it not odd that pro-lifers, more often that not, are staunch supporters of the death penalty? Ardent supporters of war. So blindly supportive of authority even after it exceeds limits of brutality?
So many pro-lifers are clearly NOT pro-life. In fact they so often fail even as regards compassion and simple human decency.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

John Boehner and the Republican Congress

John Boehner 'prays all day long', gets strength from his 'facebook page', and cries a lot.

Boehner says things like, "The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide".
So wrong on so many levels. Lets just focus on exhale - as in get rid of - being the key. If it comes from our body it can't be harmful? By this argument perhaps urine should be served at high tea?

Boehner receives campaign donations from cigarette manufacturers.

Some of his colleagues in congress have described him as a tool, a political shill. A phonetic pronunciation of his name I think better reflects his true nature – but I digress.The next two years would otherwise promise to be a source of great amusement as Mr. Boehner and his Republican cronies self implode, if it weren’t for the damage they will do to this country along the way.

Monday, January 3, 2011


How many centuries have people squinted and squirmed trying to force a frayed thread through a needle eye hole?

And then finally one day - there it is. It's as if we had suddenly awoken - and there it was - just out of our grasp all along.

We go through so much of life like that - hypnotized. Repeating patterns and traditions, never really seeing, never really knowing, forgetting to reach out, forgetting to even question.

It's beautiful when we finally do - isn't it?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fear and Civil Liberties - Letter to NYT

As the holiday crush at the airports is nearly upon us I’d like to offer food for thought.
Your one year odds of dying in a car accident are about one out of 6500. Your lifetime odds of dying in a car accident are about one in 83.
Your one year odds of being struck and killed by lightning - one in 6.2 million with a lifetime odds of one in 80,000.
Your odds for being killed by terrorists in any given year - one in 30 million; lifetime odds of one in 400,000.
Living in fear is exactly what the terrorists want. Doing so unnecessarily while relinquishing your civil liberties is what some in government want.
Millions have died in wars precisely to protect the civil liberties we now so causally relinquish for a false sense of security against exaggerated threats.