Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Good Place to Start

Our nation has witnessed the erosion our democratic republic system of government in the last century as it is being replaced by corporate special interest and the will of some 400 of our wealthiest families. Fascism is the result, corporatism specifically. It is an insidious form of fascism as it is leaderless, despite being completely united by common goals - profit and the power to pursue profit. 

People confuse corporatism as a natural extension of capitalism. It is not. A neighborhood mom and pop deli has a soul. It offers a service while maintaining its humanity - enriching the lives of those that experience it. A mega-corporation is faceless, heartless, greed. It is a cold, perverse, empty way of life. It is selfish. It is ultimately antisocial - as its needs supersede the needs of the people, the needs of a healthy planet. It often finds itself at odds with the needs of the people and the environment and thus seeks power to protect what its individual members know is both unsustainable and wrong. The cost? Our democratic republic, the will of the people, rich lives, and sustainability. Everyone knows, deep down, this cannot continue. It is not a wise, or even sustainable way of life.

The legal entity, corporation, did not come into existence until the end of the 18th century in this country. It needn't be allowed to continue. It is not a human right to incorporate. It is a perverse legal construct, originally designed as means to shield individuals from social responsibility and accountability while pursuing profit. By its very nature it is robbing us of our humanity, our intended form of government, our freedoms. It encourages materialism and would have society worshiping at the foot of its mighty temples - skyscrapers of cold steel, banks, and consumerism. And where it is true it provides us with more things, more money, more social status and the like - it does so at the cost of more meaningful lives and a healthy environment in which to pursue those lives.

All of us, deep down, alone in our suffering, have longed for something more, even while vigorously pursuing modern life and material wealth. Each of us have longed for emotionally richer, less isolated lives.  Few of us have any idea how to start. Corporate greed and materialism has claimed our society, has claimed us, and we have no idea how to break free.

I think a good place to start is to realize this is not 'natural'. Corporatism is only 200 years old. It is merely a legal construct that can and should be dramatically changed. The same legal system that gave a mechanism to pursue unbridled greed without accountability can be used to take it away.  Holding individuals accountable in their pursuit of profit would humanize so much of our lives. Ridding fascists special interests from our government would give the people back their voice.

A good place to start.

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