Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Questions to Fox News Lemmings and Republican Nut Jobs

1. Hey Sarah - where's the death panels?
2. Anybody's guns taken away yet? Even just one?(now what are you going to do with all that ammo)
3. What was the name of that disease that was to end civilization? - Ebola?
4. Hey Condolezza, Dick, Donald, Fox News, George - Seen anything in Iraq to cause Mushroom clouds over America lately? You terrified America with your descriptions of mushroom clouds coming to get us, so? Oh that's right the Duelfer Report found in its 18 months search after the Iraqi invasion that Saddam Hussein had ended nuclear weapons research 11 years before the war in 1991, and that biological and chemical weapons research had ended in 1995. Pretty much what the weapons inspectors were telling you before the war in 2002, pretty much what Joe Wilson told you, repeatedly, BEFORE the war as regards Iraq trying to import uranium - as it never happened. Mushroom clouds over America indeed - you should hang your heads in shame - you lying pieces of shit. I for one will never forgive any of you for that lie.
5. Now tell me again how did that 8 years of Wallstreet and banking deregulation go under Bush? Oh that's right it ended, as did the entire Bush era, with the worst recession since the great depression. Nice job.
6. Hey Rand Paul - seen jackboots in Washington DC yet? You've been predicting it now for what, your entire political career.
7. Hey Carl Rove, Dick Cheney, Richard Armitage  - tried to expose any more covert CIA agents during an active mission against terrorists in an act of political revenge against their spouse who's crime was to tell you there was no sale of yellow cake uranium to Iraq before the war?
8. Hey Armitage - when are you going to let someone else take the fall for your lies again? - you treasonous coward.
9. Hey Robert Novak - guess you cant reveal the identity of any more active undercover CIA agents chasing terrorists and expose their network to real danger for personal gain - you're dead.
10. Hey Boehner - still smoking? Still taking money from the tobacco industry? Still a jackass? - his words not  mine.
11. Hey Sarah - why aren't you running for President? - oh that's right you're too busy selling your fame, never mind.

Stay tuned. In a few years even you imbeciles wont be able to deny global warming - then I can ask how that's going for you as well.

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