Sunday, February 14, 2010


Shimmering moonlight on waves of sugarcane
swaying in the trades
tropical island so ancient.... echos of its African roots
goats and the wide white eyes of children against black skin
in the headlights as you speed by
wind in your hair, an energy
a million stars 

mountain shack tucked against the jungle 
dark, so still
drums in your chest
A beat ancient, dangerous, alive

inside - dim light, smoke and shadow - a hundred bodies in movement, sweat and swaying to the music
skin, black and shimmering, so beautiful in their movements
a rhythm, drums and chants, so sensual…

the seamless movement of her hips…the music in her...through her…
long hair across her bare shoulders, eyes closed, hips softly swaying…
a hundred bodies in the darkness, all moving with her, she with them….

eyes closed...feel her against you now 
your body begins to move 
the passion, the mounting joy as it flows from her, through you,
beyond you 


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