Saturday, March 18, 2023

Interesting Times

On the same day that that international criminal court in The Hague, Belgium issued an arrest warrant for Putin for horrific war crimes and crimes against humanity for his vicious, purposeful attacks on civilians in Ukraine, Trump comes out in support of him. 

Oh yeah don't you know that the ICC is part of the deep state in America? In fact, everything the slightest bit out of line with Trump is the deep state apparently, or so the fantasy goes.

Meanwhile Trump is facing no less than 5 criminal indictments from New York state, Georgia, and federal investigations in Florida, New York, and Washington DC in the next few weeks. He is already threatening to release the names of the grand jurors responsible for those indictments in an illegal attempt at obstructing justice by intimidating jurors and is calling for protests in New York next Tuesday when he says he is to be arrested there. His call for protestors in New York to "take back this country' next week is a call for violence. 

Grand jurors are just jurors. They are just average people off the street - as any juror. He wants you to harm them simply because they reviewed all the facts and decided to issue criminal warrants based on the law. 

Meanwhile Tucker Carlson is actually claiming the moral high ground over Trump privately expressing his loathing of him while publicly licking his boots for - RATINGS. Oh yeah, Tucker - moral high ground.

Why the Fox news crowd and pro - Tumpies chose a spoiled rich kid Yankee from New York, born with a silver spoon inserted way up his butt, who received $300 million from daddy and then lost most of it, who has a long well-deserved reputation of swindling contractors who he has hired as a matter of policy - plumbers, electricians, contractors, etc., who pathologically lies about everything, cheats on his wife with porn stars, and grabs em by the pussy, as their cult leader will forever evade my understanding. A spoiled corrupt rich kid Yankee from New York City no doubt!

Interesting times.

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