Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Seething White-Hot Hatred

To all climate change denying, Trump loving, Floridians.

I care about as much for your victimhood from the recent hurricanes as you care about Ukrainians suffering at the hands of Russia's megalomaniacal, murderous, fascist - Putin. That is to say - not at all. Not one bit. 

Houses floating out to sea? Didn't you deny climate change, mock Al Gore and environmentalists for decades, while proclaiming your stupid pickup truck gets less than 10 mpg as a point of pride?

Aren't you promoting a racist, mentally ill, climate change denying, fascist hoodlum, that is trying to destroy our democratic republic for his own selfish gains, as our next president? 

Here's a wake up call. I am a decent, fair, loving, human being and I hope with all my being that you keep right on suffering - I really do. How much of your ignorant shit do you think we are going to take in one lifetime? Given the harm you have caused to millions worldwide, and continue to cause, I'd say you truly deserve it, and more.

Ya'll have a blessed day now, hear? 

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