Friday, June 3, 2016

Sexism - Alive and Well and Hurtful

Why does the media refer to Clinton as Hilary and all of her opponents by their last names?
Trump is Trump, Sanders is Sanders, occasionally Bernie Sanders?

Why is it women are paid less for the same work than men?

Why is it 'traditional' female professions are traditionally underpaid - teachers, nurses, etc.
An experienced ICU nurse makes less than a roofer, an electrician, a plumber. Literally holding life in hand, ICU nurses not only administer drugs but recognize trouble, guide care, save life. An electrician puts in recessed lighting and doesn't go to college to learn how. Teachers mold our most precious resource, our children, our future, and are grossly underpaid for their trouble.

Why? Sexism. Just that simple.

Sexism only weakens us. It serves absolutely no useful purpose. And as a father of a kick ass, capable of anything, 8 year old girl - it is hurtful. Why then can we not seem to discard it once and for all?

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