Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dump Trump

Donald Trump's response to the Orlando massacre was to use it for his own political advantage within moments of hearing about it. He could of cared less about the people murdered in Orlando, expressing no sorrow at the loss of life or even sympathy for the families. His only interest was to make these tragic deaths serve his own purposes.

To make statements 'like this guy (the shooter) should not of been here (the USA). 'We shouldn't have allowed him to be here' only reveals Trump's ignorance and xenophobia. Never mind that the shooter was born in this country. Apparently his brown skin and religious beliefs disqualify his natural citizenship according to this ignorant, racist, xenophobic, loser.

The Donald really isn't very bright. Narcisistic, spoiled, rich kid, is all he is - all he will ever be. But you don't have to be bright to play the hate and fear cards, just sociopathic, superficial, and insecure.

To his supporters - is there any point where you might be embarrassed by this guy? Do you not realize how he plays you for fools, how he scams you, how he tries to manipulate your fears, trying to morph them into hate? It's much easier to lead fearful people full of blind rage than it is to effectively deal with the complex problems of our modern world. Trump is not capable of the latter.  Ask yourselves - is blind rage, hate and racism all you really want? Has there ever been a moment in this country's history or any country's history where THAT turned out well?

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