Monday, March 14, 2016

Karma and the Republican Leadership

Undaunted by the embarrassment and fiasco that was Sarah Palin as a vice presidential candidate, the Republican party pushes to ever lower and lower depths.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz the best they have to offer.

Obama is right. All of this election cycle is karma for the way the republican party has behaved these last 16 years. There was a country to govern in those years - not just unpaid for wars to fight, presidential and congressional elections to win. The people in this country had real honest to goodness needs - that had nothing to do with the single minded need of the republican 'leadership' to transfer wealth and later their stated number one goal - to destroy Obama.

Very real crises have befallen this country while the republican leadership attempted the greatest transfer of wealth from the masses to the very, very few through perpetual war, the privatization of the social net, non-competitive bidding with big Pharma and the 'defense' industry, and the deregulation of a corrupt wall street and banking system - all the while sticking it to the poor and middle class.

Karma baby.

Personally, I hope they choke on it.

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