Thursday, October 31, 2013

Saying goodbye to humankind

Humankind's ultimate destiny is to develop an ultra intelligence.
Set in motion with the invention of the first computer it is inevitable.
With it will come a rapid evolution of humans - beyond human - the end of the human race as we know it.
It's hard to imagine we have any other avenue in order to survive the modern day mess of things we've so expertly made.
But whether a solution to extinction, to solving our seemingly insurmountable problems, or just the natural consequence of our intelligence, one thing is sure.
It's coming and it will change everything.


  1. Humankind's ultimate destiny is to develop an ultra intelligence.

    That almost sounds Teleological and so does not fit in the scientific view very neatly.

    I prefer to think that stuff just happens and there is no ultimate destiny.

    1. Well my ultimate destiny is to die. That's not very teleological, nor is it random. If it's the word destiny that gives you trouble try our last act as a species instead. Either way we evolve past human, destiny just meaning our final act.
